February 22-26, 2020 (Sabbath-Wednesday)
Dallas, TX
Double Tree by Hilton Dallas – Campbell Centre
8250 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75206
The president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Daniel R. Jackson, issued the following statement on December 8, 2014 in response to the growing number of demonstrations following the grand jury decisions rendered in the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. and Eric Garner in N.Y.:
Last month, I had the opportunity to hold a weeklong Evangelism Series at the Airai SDA Church on the Island of Palau. It had been about 8 years since I had preached an evangelistic series so I was a little nervous because I did not know how I would do.
Are the following book a part of your library? The church library? Your young people's spiritual experience?
JWYD: Choose 12 Initiative -- Join a movement of leaders and youth who are following Christ's model of discipling.
This simple quick-read book could change the way you do life...forever!
More Here Download PDFbrochure Free Chapter
God's Got a Plan and I'm In It -- This autobiography of Jame Black highlights how, regardlesss of background and situation, God had a plan for his life, and yours. 
The Youth doing Ministry Formula -- A simple step-by-step interactive group guide/process to help your youth group dream up and impliment hundreds of new ministries THEY want to do! Inspire YOUR youth group! 
Hey Youth! Preach the Word! -- This is a simple manual that includes all the elements necessary to prepare young people to preach. "How to Preach" "Elements That Influence What I Preach" and "Putting It All Together" (along with several other chapters) prepare the mind, heart, and "pen" of the young preacher to "Preach the Word!" 
Just Claim It / Ignition / Leadership Summit meets March 7-11, 2012, but leadership from around the North American Division are meeting March 3-6 to work together to provide resources and direction for various ministries.
If you serve on a committee and thus are attending Pre-meetings -- Download the Convention Schedule
If you are participating in JCI/Ignition/Summit -- Download the Convention Schedule
ACF High School (needs also to be in brochure!)
All others on PERMS sheet
Changed: Living the Radical Life (ask Manny)
iFollow series --(see R initiatives, ask Manny)
Choose12.net -- (upcoming with James)
all others on sheet already on website
Change Latino YouthNET
week long...(ASK MANNY)
Follow Series "How to Keep Teens in the Church" (ASK MANNY)
Recycled (brochure)
Best Practices -- (request from Allan Martin) Social Networks
ex. PF Forum, YA social network, AdventistYouthSpace, ACF website (social network structure), IA/Honors Wiki etc.
Leadership Retreat -- Union and division youth and young adult leadership and coordinators are invited to an upcoming retreat (2013).
Festival of the Laity -- Each quinquinium this event brings together leaders......the Youth & Young Adult Ministry track of seminars equips leaders for ministry service in their local church, club, and community.
One on one (see brochure)
Resource Development (see brochure)
Campus Ministry Retreats (needs icon and description for brochure as well) ~ write description here, pass it by James for final edit approval

Let your voice be heard. There is an annual scheduled advisory for all leaders to attend. Although there is an agenda, the meeting is designed to give leaders an opportunity to voice their opinions, observations and concerns. All ministry leaders are members of their specific ministry advisory.
See schedule and download minutes from past advisories
It’s ok to have fun and make contributions to a worthy cause at the same time. The Youth Ministries Annual Golf Classic is scheduled during the YPAC Leadership SUMMIT and NAD Ministries Convention. Proceeds go towards scholarships for youth to attend leadership and evangelism training events.
A worldwide organization sponsored by the SDA Church primarily for junior youth in grades 5-10.

Little Lamb – a family based ministry to children pre-K – age 4
Eager Beaver–family based ministry to children in kindergarten - age 5
Adventurers – a family based ministry to children in grades 1-4
Adventistyouthspace.com is a social network for Adventist Youth and Young Adults and their friends. This is your network. Be blessed and have fun. Nearly 15,000 worldwide are already connected.
The SDA Church is blessed to own and operate over 65 camps and conference retreat centers. Each facility is available to meet the needs of your local church or community. Whether it is a retreat, reunion, or summer camp, we are willing and ready to serve. Our training and support organization is called the Association of Adventist Camp Professional (AACP).
Matching funds are available to churches who encourage and support their youth to do public evangelism. Hundreds of churches have participated and hundreds have been baptized. Funds are limited, apply today.
1-on-1 orientation is offered to newly elected leaders on the conference and union levels. An invitation is extended to come to the SDA World Headquarters for a day. During your visit, we cover all the bases that will help you succeed. Travel expenses are usually shared by the local conference and NADYM.
For various reasons, the majority of Adventist students attend public schools. Nonetheless, thousands are making a tremendous impact for Jesus. For more information on how to start an Adventist Christian Fellowship ministry or register your group as an ACF chapter visit www.acflink.org
A Master Guide is considered the elite in ministry. MG are trained and equipped to meet the critical needs in churches, schools and the community. They are always willing and ready to serve.
The NAD Distinguished Youth Award was created as a representation award to honor youth who have distinguished themselves in the area of Youth Evangelism, Pathfinder Ministries, Community Outreach, Academics and Leadership. This award is given every other year during the national youth leadership summit. For more information on how to nominate a youth from your church or to download the application visit www.adventistyouthministries.org
Not everyone can afford to attend a national leadership convention, so leadership comes to you. This one day intensive will inspire, educate, motivate and Recharge your ministry.
Unprecedented Results! Turn your youth’s interests into ministries and see the YM2 formula double portion WOW factor in action. Workbooks available.
Hundreds of our youth and Pathfinders enjoy the challenge of being pushed to the limits with this, game-like “Bible Bowl” ministry. Resource manuals are available online or at www.AdventSource.org. For more information visit www.pathfindersonline.org
Young Adults are often an overlooked powerhouse resource that can help move the church forward. Ignition is the Ministry for and by Young Adults in the North American Division. Ignition provides resources, training, networking and support to Young Adult Ministry leaders as well as young adults. To learn more about Ignition, GodEncounters, YAMA, or how to organize and network your young adults visit www.IgnitionYoungAdults.com
The SUMMIT provides over 16 hours of training with over 150 workshops to choose from and 10 hours of general sessions. Also, leaders have the benefit of attending the NAD YPAC Advisories to get official first-hand information on progress and developments in their particular ministry. Scheduled every other year.
The Just Claim It (JCI) Prayer Movement is about young people praying and claiming their cities for Christ. Come and be blessed by the Gethsemane experience, anointed speakers, Bible reading marathon, street ministries, leadership development, spiritual music, Biblically-based drama, exhibits, community outreach parades, recreation and more – JCI will change your life forever! Scheduled ever other year. www.jci3.org
The NAD Youth Ministries Office is assisted by official committees voted by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. Each union designates their representative for membership. The following are a list of the Committees assisting the Youth Ministries Office:
NAD Youth Committee
NAD Pathfinder Committee
NAD Adventurer Committee
NAD Camp Ministries Committee
NAD Master Guide Committee
NAD Youth Adult Advisory
NAD Adventist Christian Fellowship
Tune in for the latest in news, programs, events, forums, and live stream viewing. Share your ministry with a worldwide audience. Let us stream your future event. All you need is a video camera, proper lighting, and internet connection. See viewing schedule at www.adventistyouthtelevision.org (Coming Soon).
The NAD director, associate, and ministry coordinators are available to speak at your next event. Travel expenses are already paid in order to serve you. Travel budgets are limited so contact us now for early booking. Priority is given to area, conference, and union events.
In conjunction with the national training Leadership SUMMITs, investiture is offered for Master Guide, Pathfinder Leadership Award, Pathfinder Instructor Award and the Adventurer Leadership Award. Many leaders attend the conventions in order to complete class work for investiture. All investees must be presented by conference or union directors.
Every few years youth come together to pray and impact a local city under the theme “Just Claim It” JCI. This conference is designed to show youth how to take their cities for Christ.
Come and be blessed by teenage speakers, music, drama, bible reading marathon, street ministry, leadership training, exhibits, parades, recreation and much more. JCI will change your life forever!!!
Website 2010 JCI2.org -- Columbus, OH
Website 2012 JCI3.org -- Greensboro, NC

This is a ministry that is specific to the untold testimonies about how God has delivered someone from the pits of hell experience. Their past is no longer their future. Witness the power of God via “RECYCLED” on Adventist Youth TV.
The youth ministries “Update” is unique. Get the news from the leaders with a personal touch. Receive the latest information regarding all youth ministries and decisions that impact your ministry. Share your news with us or just subscribe at Link.
Previous editions are also available here.
Follow the Leaders! Pastors James Black and Manny Cruz have been leading Pathfinders and youth groups around the world for years. An invitation is extended to leaders who would like to travel with them as mentees as they serve the North American Division territory and around the world. See their travel itinerary (found in the monthly eNews) for future opportunities.
Most churches will never have a youth pastor. However, CLYP provides practical training that will draw youth to your church. Our goal is to equip every church with a thoroughly trained youth leader.
Register today at www.clyponline.com
There is a way to rescue and retain forgotten Youth and Young Adults. The Mission Lifeguard Training Kit shows you how and provides everything you need. Jesus says “I came that they might have life…” John 10:10.

This initiative is connected with our national youth prayer conference. We reach out to the needy and bring joy into their lives by touching up their home. Thanks to the efforts of Adventist Youth and Young Adults, 12 homes have been impacted by this ministry.
Leaders from around North America and Bermuda come together for leadership training in the areas of youth, Pathfinders, Adventurers, young adults,master guides, public schools, and personal growth.
The Summit provides over 20 hours of training with over 200 workshops to choose from and 10 hours of general sessions. Also, leaders have the benefit of attending the NAD YPAC Advisories to get official first hand information on progress and developments in their particular ministry.
Question: I’ve done something that I thought would come later in life. I’m three months pregnant now, and later I’ll have to stop school for a few months.
I don’t know what to think. I’ve considered getting an abortion, but I just can’t do it. I made it, so I’m going to have to raise it.
The Lord gave this to me for a reason, but I just don’t know why. Can you give me any Bible passages that can help with this little situation?
Question: I hear all kinds of things about Christians being judgmental and close-minded. How should we balance loving the sinner and hating the sin? I don’t want to seem like I accept things that I know are wrong, but I don’t want people to think that I don’t love them, either.
Question: I’ve grown up in an Adventist home, but I don’t really love Jesus, even though I want to go to heaven. And when I do something wrong, I’m not usually sorry I did it. What can I do?
Question: Which religion/denomination is the true one?
Question: Does hell exist? The parable of the rich man and Lazarus shows that it does.
Question: What topics should I bring up when I’m talking to unbelievers about God?
Question: If God gives us free choice, why will He destroy people who don’t choose Him?
Question: How can I be sure that I’m saved, even if I don’t feel like I’m saved?
Question: My friend has gone to church only a couple of times, because when he went, the people there told him he wasn’t welcome. Then his parents told him he wasn’t good enough for church. He really feels hurt. My question is “should he go back to church?”
Question: My parents and I were listening to a Christian radio station in the car the other day, and the speaker was talking about the “biblical truth” of hell. If it’s “biblical truth,” why don’t we believe in it?
Question: Does the Bible have anything to say about piercings, tattoos, and jewelry?
Question: I love going to church and learning about God. I’m a Seventh-day Adventist by birth, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to have a relationship with God. Every time I try to have one, it never seems to work out right–I seem to slip back into sin. I know God is coming soon, and I really want to go to heaven, but I don’t know how to have a relationship with Him. Please help me!
Question: How do I forgive someone that’s really hurt me? Do I have to forgive them in order for God to forgive me?
Question: I don't feel welcome at my church. The people are stuck up, and I don't like stuck-up people. I know that I should talk to my pastor about this, but I don't know what to say.
Question: I told my friend that when a person dies, it’s like they’re asleep until Jesus returns and resurrects them. But she says that when people die, they go to a kingdom and wait there until the Lord comes. How do I tell her that when people die, they don’t really go anywhere?
Question: My friends are always pressuring me to do things with them that I know are wrong, like drinking alcohol. I go along with them because they help me out a lot financially, so I feel as if I shouldn’t just “diss” them. But what should I do?
Question: In some Bible verses it says that all you have to do is believe, and you’re saved. But in other verses it says that there are all these things you have to do. Which is it?
Question: How do you balance legalism and grace?
Question: I’m bored at church. I know you’re going to say I should keep going, but why?
Friday, April 9, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM Eastern Time
Sabbath, April 10, 8:15 AM- 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern Time
Port-au-Prince, Haiti Earthquake Disaster
Statement from NAD Youth Ministries Office
Pastor's DVD Volume 15
Pastor's DVD Volume 15
Pastor's DVD Volume 15
Pastor's DVD Volume 15
Pastor's DVD Volume 15
Question: My cat died recently, and I want to know if she’ll be in heaven. I’ve heard “No, she won’t be there,” and I’ve heard “Yes, she will be there.” I’m confused. Do you know the answer?
Question: Should I go to a Seventh-day Adventist school even if their academic program isn’t good?
Question: I’m a college student who’s so preoccupied with my studies that I don’t have time to witness to a friend, conduct a Bible study, or help the needy—unless I do it on Sabbath. What’s the best way to organize myself so I can do these things for God?
Question: Is it OK to pray for a person to like you?
Question: When I pray, sometimes I find that my mind isn't totally focused on God or holy things. For example, my mind may wander off and replay a song that I just listened to, or I may think about something I need to do after I finish praying. Am I doing something wrong? Is my prayer not acceptable to God?
Question: Does the bible say anything about whether or not masturbation is wrong?
Question: I’ve enlisted in the military, and I’m about to go to boot camp. Someday I might end up on the front lines and have to kill somebody. I know the Ten Commandments say, "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13, KJV). But the Bible also has stories about battles where lots of people were killed. Will God look down on me if I have to kill someone?
Question: Is anger a sin?
Question: Is it because we defy God’s Word that so many wicked things are happening?
Question: Since Jesus was a Jew, why are His followers called Christians and not Jews?
Question: What does it mean to be “blessed”?
Question: Can you give me some biblical advice on how to make good decisions? It seems like I’m really good at making bad decisions, and I don’t want to make any more bad decisions.
Question: If Jesus taught His disciples to pray “Our Father, which art in heaven,” why do we usually pray, “Dear Jesus”? Is it okay to pray to Jesus, or should we pray to God the Father? Or does it matter, since they are all God?
Question: How can God be three in one?
Question: The Bible says in some places that God is a “jealous” God. Does that mean that jealously is okay or that God sins?
Question: Did God simply throw Satan out of heaven, or did He throw Satan to earth? If God threw Satan to earth, why?
Question: How did sin originate in Lucifer?
Question: Do you think Hurricane Katrina could have been God’s judgment on New Orleans, like the fire on Sodom and Gomorrah?
Question: Why doesn’t God do something about all the suffering and pain around us?
Question: How many people can heaven hold?
Question: Was Jesus totally human or totally divine?
Question: Can you prove that Jesus is God’s Son?
Question: Can you prove that Jesus is God’s Son?
Answer: Can I do it to your satisfaction? Let’s see.
This is far more than a passing question. On it hinges your life’s purpose, its direction, its destiny. Believing that Jesus is God’s Son requires a certain amount of faith, which can be informed with evidence.
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North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Youth & Young Adult Ministries Department
(301) 680-6472
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Silver Spring, MD 20904
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“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.” Mark Twain
Molly is a rather self-serving type of dog. We love her dearly, but she is selfish nonetheless. Especially with food.
Nate Bozarth wears his faith in his sleeve. And on his back. And across his chest. With his collection of 10 T-shirts with Christian messages on them, 15-year-old Nate could wear a different T-shirt to school every day for two weeks. And most days he does wear one.
This story happened last year, when there was snow on the ground and the roads were slippery. My parents own their own store, and ever since I got my driver’s license, they have sent me on errands so they can stay and watch the store.
There were jocks, nerds, geeks, stoners, and bookworms. I could probably fill a page with the names we called various kids when I went to school—and that was 25 years ago! As crazy as it sounds to me today, we labeled other people based on what they looked like,
As a missionary kid in Bangkok, I took violin lessons for several years. Unfortunately, none of those sweaty Friday afternoons with Briquette Barrois took hold. I am not now, and I never have been, a very good violinist. In fact, I kind of stink.
It was five o’clock on a Monday morning and well below freezing. I was fifteen and on my way to the high school gym to lift weights and run before school started. It was wrestling season and the leaner and meaner you were,
When Emily came to school this morning she was greeted with a barrage of derogatory names. Why? The night before she had gone to a party with a boy one of the name-callers had a crush on.
“The LORD will rise up…to do his work, his strange work, and perform his task, his alien task” (Isaiah 28:21).
I can’t imagine our school without Kenny. His smile brightens everyone’s day. That’s why I was shocked when I heard we’d almost lost him. Last week he told me his story and the events that led up to that nearly fatal night:
- Living for Jesus: Austral Union Youth Congress
- Objectives For Youth Ministry in Local Church
- What's your accent on sexuality
- Shine for the lord
- Stand for Jesus

- be connected to the Power Source
- ...and these Gossipers
- congratulations grandpa Baraka!
- 4th National Camporee Chile
- Pathfinder teen snow outing

The Friday night before Super Bowl 2007, Scott Weise, a die-hard Chicago Bears fan signed a pledge before a large crowd in a Decatur, Illinois bar. If the Bears lost the big game, Weise vowed he would legally change his name to Peyton Manning, the Indianapolis Colts winning quarterback.
I didn’t even know them that first day they came to my office for an appointment—but they immediately gained my respect. Sam and Karen,* two young college students, were concerned because their dating relationship was going too far too fast.
Want to lose weight? You bet. Want to lose weight with ephedra? You bet your life.
Ephedra is advertised as an energy booster and a weight-loss aid. A natural product that occurs in plants, its active ingredient is ephedrine,
Everyone feels down in the dumps at times. Flunk an important final? Your girlfriend or boyfriend dump you? Your team lost the big game? Have a family member seriously ill? If you are normal, you feel bad – depressed – about these things.
Q: Someone in church read a verse where Jesus says that we need to “carry a cross.” Is it true that we need to suffer if we want to follow Jesus?
Club drugs – drugs you take at raves or parties – are the rage among teens today. The most popular club drug is Ecstasy – also called MDMA, “X,” or Adam. It is a stimulant and a hallucinogen. It can take you to utter bliss for four to six hours.
Two new types of cigarettes – kreteks and bidis – are getting teens, especially those in 7th and 8th grade, started with tobacco. These imports from India and Indonesia hit the United States the late ‘90s.
Although it’s known as the “Love Chapter” and often read at weddings, did you know that I Corinthians 13 can help you and your classmates get along better and have a great school year? Here’s how:
“Is that real?” This question comes often from young children who are learning to sort out the differences between “real” and “fake.”
Need a great way to jump-start youth discussions? Get youth and adults interacting? Q's 4 U is a colorful deck of 58 question cards that can help teens and parents focus on the real issues behind many teen questions.
With these dice you can start discussions on 12 different topics such as friends, faith, and family. Each of the dice offers six open-ended statements or questions on a particular subject. Participants will choose a cube with the category of their choice (each of the 12 categories begins with the letter "F.")
The day was gorgeous. A blue sky with a glowing orange sun shown down brightly on the mesh of pine needles and dirt that were rushing up to greet me and my BMX bicycle.
“In order to become the winner that you will respect and admire . . . you must have control of the authorship of your own destiny . . . the pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” – Irene C. Kassorda
What happens if I don't go to church?
On a recent trip to our local shopping mall my attention was arrested by the myriad of pithy sayings boldly displayed on T-shirts proclaiming adolescent attitudes and values. Some were funny; others were really pathetic.
Can you get married with parental consent if you’re 16?
I hate school!! As long as I can remember these three words always came out of my mouth. Consequently my grades reflected my feelings.
Q: I look awful. Nothing I wear looks right. I’m so fat! There’s no way I’m going swimming this summer—everyone will laugh at me! If I only had Khakira’s body… What should I do?
I’m a healthy, virile, 18-year-old male. Since we’re not supposed to have sex, what are we supposed to do with our sexual drives and urges? Some people suggest masturbation, but the church looks down on that, so what should we do?
Who’s going to be left behind when Jesus comes?
Does Hell Exist? The parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches us about hell.
No current listings.
NOTE: Many conferences do not list pastoral openings on their websites. If you are looking for a pastoral position, we encourage you to contact individual conferences about your ministry abilities and dreams.
If you would like us to post your resume, please attach a PDF resume in an email to:
Posted September 2011
Thunderbird Adventist Academy: Looking for someone to fill the position of Assistant Dean of Women for the boarding academy in Scottsdale, Arizona. Position needs to be filled immediately. More info: Contact Kristy Conklin at
Other frequently updated NAD Education job openings are posted at: http://www.nadeducation.org/jobs
Youth and young adults from the NAD serve in a variety of task force and mission roles each year. Whether serving as a task force dean or Bible teacher in a NAD school or serving as an English teacher, assistant pastor, children's ministries assisstant, or other assignment in a remote village, there is an opportunity for YOU to serve.
hesaidgo.net is the official website for those seeking missions opportunities.
Click Here for the portion of the site specifically dedicated to long term mission opportunities.
There are many young adults who have prepared for service but have a difficult time marketing their availability.
Posting their resumes is one way we can assist them. These are young leaders who would love to serve their church.
Please do all you can to assist them by sharing their information.
James Black